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DIR-825 Router Wireless N Quadband

Aperto da Alby, 25 Giugno 2010, 18:40:04


Bene, tienici aggiornati sul comportamento con Fastweb, che è importante. Usi il MAC cloning o è registrato di base col suo MAC address?


È con il suo MAC Address, è l'unico dispositivo a monte dopo l'HAG e gestisce lui tutta la rete (gestisce anche il wifi b/g, non ho dispositivi n ancora, visto che ho preferito disabilitare quello dell'HAG).

Per il momento sembra tutto ok, non rilevo particolari differenze tra il 2.02b4 e questo 2.05b. A volte mi sembra più scattante, altre invece sembra rimanga imbambolato qualche secondo... ma potrebbe benissimo dipendere dalla connettività. Sto a circa 1.5Km di cavi (non in linea d'aria) dalla centralina e ultimamente FW mi da l'idea di essere un po' intasato nelle ore di punta (anzi, forse lavorative)...


ciao a tutti, è arrivato questa mattina il router ma purtroppo con presa inglese. amazon mi ha proposto di ridare il tutto indietro e chiedere il rimborso oppure di farmi accreditare 5euro di buono da utilizzare per altri acquisti. io il router l'ho pagato 97euro, secondo voi mi cosa mi conviene fare?

se aprissi un rma con d-link c'è modo di farmi spedire un alimentatore corretto?

grazie a tutti!


Citazione di: logan il 23 Dicembre 2010, 11:46:39ciao a tutti, è arrivato questa mattina il router ma purtroppo con presa inglese. amazon mi ha proposto di ridare il tutto indietro e chiedere il rimborso oppure di farmi accreditare 5euro di buono da utilizzare per altri acquisti. io il router l'ho pagato 97euro, secondo voi mi cosa mi conviene fare?

se aprissi un rma con d-link c'è modo di farmi spedire un alimentatore corretto?

grazie a tutti!
In questi casi no.
1) o usi il tuo alimentatore con un adattatore universale da viaggio che converte i vari formati (verifica che sia 100-250Volt, però), oppure ti procuri un alimentatore con spina italiana compatibile (12Volt, 2A) di quelli elencati qui:


Sentendo anche mi faccio rimborsare il tutto e lo acquisto da un'altra parte, sinceramente meno roba ho in giro tra adattatori è meglio, e poi preferisco usare le sue cose originali ;)


Comunque una spina adattatore alle prese inglesi costa 2 euro e potrebbe far comodo in caso di viaggi in UK.


Citazione di: Alby il 27 Dicembre 2010, 09:17:32Comunque una spina adattatore alle prese inglesi costa 2 euro e potrebbe far comodo in caso di viaggi in UK.

ho una presa usata per viaggi uk, il problema è che mi sarebbe servita una UKtoITA e non ITAtoUK :D



Non ci credo :D
Ho usato proprio oggi lo stesso metodo del video per l'alimentatore del Nintendo DSi :D


sinceramente meno ciarpame ho in giro meglio è...
..devo prendere un dir-825 e sinceramente non vedo per quale motivo averlo con presa inglese ;)


Citazione di: logan il 27 Dicembre 2010, 19:30:24sinceramente meno ciarpame ho in giro meglio è...
..devo prendere un dir-825 e sinceramente non vedo per quale motivo averlo con presa inglese ;)

Hai fatto bene: se te l'hanno venduto per il mercato italiano deve avere l'alimentatore secondo specifica.


ciao a tutti, è arrivato oggi il sostituto con la presa in italiano... guardo sulla confezione e noto che la versione hardware è la B2, che non mi pare sia segnalata sulla prima pagina del topic!

la prima cosa che balza all'occhio è che la presa di corrente presenta il tipico da bottone da "lampada da comodino", ossia il bottone di accensione sul filo elettrico:

quello bianco in basso a sinistra, per intenderci:

qualcuno conosce qualche particolarità di questo modello e il perché di questo particolare quantomeno insolito in questo tipo di hardware?



In realtà in Europa non sono state commercializzate le versioni Ax con firmware di 2 MB, ma solo le versioni Bx genericamente dette con firmware da oltre 4 MB (flash da 8 MB). In pratica, come per altri DIR all'interno della revision cambia la motherboard, ma usano sempre lo stesso firmware.
Sul fatto che abbia l'interruttorino da lampadina non escluderei una manomissione per sostituire il terminale con uno all'italiana... Di alimentatori originali D-Link con interruttore non ho mai sentito parlare, ma per tutto c'è una prima volta.


ma poi, giusto per capire, com'è che il pannello di sto router è fatto in asp? cioè, è un modello relativamentente recente che è gestito con una tecnologia vecchia come asp? sarà che sono uno sviluppatore e sono un po' pignolo, ma sinceramente tutto mi aspettavo tranne che roba del genere usata per il pannello del 825 :-/


Mah! Penso sia una questione di praticità, nel senso che tutti i sorgenti dei firmware sono uguali e fatti a quel modo, poi gli cambiano i binari dei driver dei componenti interni e fine...
In generale, comunque, l'interfaccia dei DIR mi è sempre sembrata efficace e valida, anche se non velocissima.
Ma sempre riguardo all'interruttore, è dello stesso colore del cavo? Dà l'impressione di essere posticcio e aggiunto dopo, oppure sembra veramente uscito dalla fabbrica? Ci sono viti? Aprendolo sono interrotti entrambi i poli o solo uno? Si trova tra spina di rete e trasformatore o tra trasformatore e router?


Nuovo firmware WW per versioni Bx del 20-12-2010 FW 2.05WWB05 Beta01: DOWNLOAD

DIR-825WWB1 Firmware Release Note  

Firmware: v2.05WW Build: 05Beta01
Hardware: B1
Date: 13, Dec, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.05WWb05Beta01
Firmware Date: Mon, 13, Dec, 2010
checksum: 0x07E2A657

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed beta firmware.

Firmware: v2.05WW Build: 05
Hardware: B1
Date: 10, Dec, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.05WWb05
Firmware Date: Fri, 10, Dec, 2010
checksum: 0x07DB861F

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Support IPv6 Spec v1.14R phase 1
2. Fixed when choice time format to 12-hour. Set start time to 11:00AM, end time to 12:00PM and save setting. Then edit the Schedule Rule List. The end time would displayed 12:00AM not 12:00PM.
3. Fixed When the "Account name" field is empty, the "Save settings" button still can be pressed and applied without any warning message.
4. Modify DDNS Type option:,,
5. Fixed host name cannot empty.

Firmware: v2.05WW Build: 04
Hardware: B1
Date: 25, Nov, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.05WWb04
Firmware Date: Thu, 25, Nov, 2010

checksum: 0x07DC12A8

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Support IPv6 to V1.13R. (Do not support IPv6 firewall).
3. Fixed BT reboot issue.

Firmware: v2.05WW Build: 03
Hardware: B1
Date: 5, Oct, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.05WWb03
Firmware Date: Tue, 05, Oct, 2010
checksum: 0x07E4C962

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed sometimes wireless client will fail when login GUI, then reboot DUT cause nvram restore to default .  
2. Fixed sometimes wan fail, when client user link to Google, it will go to LOGIN webpage, not go to 404 Page.
3. DWM-156 A3 will fail sometimes.

Firmware: v2.05WW Build: 02
Hardware: B1
Date: 1, Oct, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.05WWb02
Firmware Date: Fri, 01, Oct, 2010
checksum: 0x07E51344

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed that 6to4 relay can't support dns.
2. Fixed that lan ipv6 addr not clear when dhcp-pd released.
3. Fixed Static IPv6 Prefix Length Issue(must be Integer and in range of 1~126).
4. Fixed Save configuration very slow.
5. Fixed wepkey only support one key. (Removed Default WEP Key option)
6. Support DWM-152/156 A3

Firmware: v2.05WW Build: 01 Beta01
Hardware: B1
Date: 30, Sep, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.05WWb01Beta01
Firmware Date: Thu, 30, Sep, 2010
hecksum: 0x07E456B2
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed DIR-825_B1_v2.01WWB07Beta01-Multicast issue with enabled NETWORK FILTER.

Firmware: v2.05WW Build: 01
Hardware: B1
Date: 29, Sep, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.05WWb01
Firmware Date: Wed, 29, Sep, 2010
checksum: 0x07E52ABA
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed WEP Key only support one key.
2. Enable option 33/121 for Russia
3. Support DWM-152/156 A3
4. Support IPv6 to V1.12R. (Do not support IPv6 firewall).

Firmware: v2.04WW Build: 01 Beta01
Hardware: B1
Date: 23, Sep, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.04WWb01Beta01
Firmware Date: Thu, 23, Sep, 2010
checksum: 0x07E4A39B
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed that beacon stuck caused by some STA can send action frame to inform AP to switch to HT20 which is not necessary.

Firmware: v2.04WW Build: 01
Hardware: B1
Date: 03, Sep, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.04WWb01
Firmware Date: Fri, 03, Sep, 2010
checksum: 0x07E42241
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Revised firmware version to 2.04

Firmware: v2.02WW Build: 14
Hardware: B1
Date: 26, Aug, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.02WWb14
Firmware Date: Thu, 26, Aug, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07E250B7
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed when user only change Lan settings, pop change IP address message.
2. Support DLink DNSSEC Spec.

Firmware: v2.02WW Build: 13
Hardware: B1
Date: 5, Jul, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.02WWb13
Firmware Date: Mon, 5, Jul, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07E34E5C
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1.Fixed: When we change the DUT's password and save it.It can't back to login GUI page.
2.Fixed: [Status ---> Devices Info ---> LAN Computers] WLAN PCs' information does not be displayed. Fixed display WAN site network IP address at LAN computer list.

Firmware: v2.02WW Build: 12
Hardware: B1
Date: 2, Jul, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.02WWb12
Firmware Date: Fri, 2, Jul, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07E30502
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed: [WebUI] It is incorrect. Please refer to the screenshot attached.(IE7)
2. Fixed: When we change the DUT's password and save it.It can't back to login GUI page.
3. Fixed: [Status ---> Devices Info ---> LAN Computers] WLAN PCs' information does not be displayed.

Firmware: v2.02WW Build: 11
Hardware: B1
Date: 17, Jun, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.02WWb11
Firmware Date: Thu, 17, Jun, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07E37801
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Verify: IPv6 DHCPv6 mode isse.
2. Fixed: When the My USB type is: "WCN Configuration" and "3G USB Adapter", the "Shareport for guest zone" should NOT display.
3. Fixed: When user input Invalids IP Address in Virtual Server page as below. (Invalids IP: and
4. Fixed: Russia PPPoE  error message issue.
5. Verify: [WebUI] It is incorrect. Please refer to the screenshot attached.(IE7)

Firmware: v2.02WW Build: 10
Hardware: B1
Date: 3, Jun, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.02WWb10
Firmware Date: Wed, 03, Jun, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07E259D6
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Verify PureNetwork HNAP testing.

Firmware: v2.02WW Build: 09
Hardware: B1
Date: 24, May, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.02WWb09
Firmware Date: Mon, 24, May, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F60CCB
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Removed USB 3G phone option.
2. Fixed 3G USB Adapter function can't work.

Firmware: v2.02WW Build: 08
Hardware: B1
Date: 21, Apr, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.02WWb08
Firmware Date: Wed, 21, Apr, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F5670F
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed Status-IPv6 page – LAN Computer IPv6 Address display issue
2. Fixed LAN PC in IPv6 PPPoE mode can't access to IPv6 network.
3. Fixed IPv6 PPPoE page – LAN IPv6 Address field MUST NOT display 6to4 IPv6 Address by default
4. Fixed LAN IPv6 Address field MUST NOT allow user set 6to4 address
5. Fixed IPv6 PPPoE reconnect function – each connection mode MUST be work
6. Fixed Remote manage function MUST work for WAN IPv6 Address
7. Fixed 6to4 relay field MUST allow set IPv4 address and Domain Name
8. Fixed Subnet Prefix Length SHOULD verify more types. Example, /8, /16, /32, /48, /64, /72, /127, IPv6 Address SHOULD verify more types.
9. Updated firmware version to 2.02

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 07Beta02
Hardware: B1
Date: 19, Apr, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb07Beta02
Firmware Date: Mon, 19, Apr, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F6A550
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed when user doesn't set schedule page and link to other option webpage, then pop warning message.
2. Fixed Qos(mbandwidth) send broadcast ICMP Echo Request.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 07Beta01
Hardware: B1
Date: 14, Apr, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb07Beta01
Firmware Date: Wed, 14, Apr, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F6596F
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed when user doesn't set schedule page and link to other option webpage, then pop warning message.
2. Fixed when setting wireless schedule, if schedule time has not arrived yet, the wireless radio should be off, but it's not.
3. Ipv6 clients can't be shown in list of status.
4. 6in4 with dhcp-pd mode ,client pc can't get IP from stateful lan mode.
5. When assign ipv6 over ipv4 mode dns should in dynamic mode as default mode.(ipv6_6in4_dns_enable=0)
6. Fixed log texts is too long to break table.
7. Fixed when 3G USB + PPTP Pass Through, PPTP Pass Through easily disconnect.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 07
Hardware: B1
Date: 31, Mar, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb07
Firmware Date: Mar, 31, Mar, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F552EF
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Wireless Function. (Performance, IOT, Reliability, WPS)
2. DDNS (DynDNS) Function.
3. Enable check IPv6 DNS address.
4. Set IPv6_pppoe_mtu default value is 1492.
5. Disable check ipv6 wan proto on wan page.
6. Fixed PPPoEv6 Static IP is fail.
7. Fixed IPv6 6in4 don't work.
8. Fixed IPv6 Network Status: Modify the text "connect" to "connected".
9. Fixed when apply IPv6 6in4 and IPv6 6to4 will display warning message.
10. Fixed correcting the DHCP Reservation List of Expires misspelling, it should be "Never".
11. Removed if DHCP-PD is enabled, DNS server must be obtained automatically under this mode.
12. Merge 12/24 time format issue.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 06Beta02
Hardware: B1
Date: 22, Mar, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb06Beta02
Firmware Date: Mon, 22, Mar, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F4E9C7
Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed Home Network Administration Protocol (HNAP) vulnerabilities.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 06Beta01
Hardware: B1
Date: 02, Mar, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb06Beta01
Firmware Date: Tue, 02, Mar, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F519A4

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed IOT issue with Singapore iBurst RJ45 modem in 10Half mode.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 06
Hardware: B1
Date: 04, Feb, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb06
Firmware Date: Thu, 04, Feb, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F42FBB

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Added 404 error spec v1.02.
2. Support httpd ipv6.
3. Support LLMNR support.
4. Add WAN 3G phone option.
5. Fixed doesn't check WAN Physical netmask, gateway IP of Russia PPPoE.
6. Fixed doesn't check PPTP netmask IP address of Static Russia PPTP.
7. Add 12/24 time format on schedule.
8. Fixed 5GHz ? SSID is [dlink_media"'~!@#$%^&*'`~!@#$%` ], then Wireless Network Name of wireless network setting 5GHz is empty.
9. Fixed 2.4G / 5G wireless bssid of main & guest_zone are the same.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 05
Hardware: B1
Date: 28, Jan, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb05
Firmware Date: Thu, 28, Jan, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F4F63A

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed #19: Website Filter function check warning message display incorrect language in Espanol.
2. Fixed #10: 5G Guest Zone will not display WPA-Enterprise settings.
3. Fixed #2: No check WAN Physical settings of Russia PPPoE.
4. Fixed #1: No check PPTP Gateway IP address of Static Russia PPTP.
5. Fixed #11: Change WAN Type settings cause Router reboot.
6. Fixed #7: Login account issue.
7. Added a feature for dlink 404 error spec v1.01.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 04Beta01
Hardware: B1
Date: 20, Jan, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb04Beta01
Firmware Date: Wed, 20, Jan, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F4DFF9

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed tcp port scan fail in port 0 and 1.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 04
Hardware: B1
Date: 06, Jan, 2010

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb04
Firmware Date: Wed, 06, Jan, 2010
CheckSum: 0x07F36607

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed PPPoE re-connect issue.
2. Fixed BT issue.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 03Beta02
Hardware: B1
Date: 10, Dec, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb03beta02
Firmware Date: Thu, 10, Dec, 2009
CheckSum: 0x07F4F4CC

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Updated displaying 5 GHz wireless client list by xml.
2. Fixed GUI show allowed char for setting of hostname.
3. Fixed DIR-825_A1_v2.01-DCS-5220 and DCS-2120 failed to connect to DIR-825 VIA wireless connection.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 03Beta01
Date: 1, Dec, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb03beta01
Firmware Date: Tue, 1, Dec, 2009
CheckSum: 0x07F26F70

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Login privilege will be changed by another user login.
2. Fixed GUI show allowed char for setting of hostname.
3. Fixed Channel Width 2040 won't saved when configured to 802.11n (Only on 5 GHz)
4. Fixed when add new schedule, wireless will use the newest schedule rule.
5. Fixed  Transmit power function does not work for 5 GHz.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 03
Date: 20, Nov, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb03
Firmware Date: Fri, 20, Nov, 2009
CheckSum: 0x07F30704

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed Transmit power function does not work.
2. Fixed Channel Width 2040 won't saved when configured to 802.11n (Only on 5GHz)

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 02
Hardware: B1
Date: 4, Nov, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb02
Firmware Date: Wed, 4, Nov, 2009

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Support FQDN function.
2. Fixed GUI show allowed char for setting of hostname.
3. Fixed when use "user" account, it still can select language.

Firmware: v2.01WW Build: 01
Hardware: B1
Date: 20, Oct, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.01WWb01
Firmware Date: Tue, 20, Oct, 2009
CheckSum: 0x07F313C9

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:

1. Update Kcode module.
2. Support E220, DWA-152/156
3. DIR-825_B1_v2.00b12-May be flood issue.
4. Fixed Previous configured Port range is still valid to protocol of "Any".
5. Fixed when change computer name in DHCP reservation will occur error.
6. Fixed QoS priority range is 1 to 8, but the Qos help description page is 1~255.
7. Fixed No priority field on Status- Internet Sessions page for confirm Qos setting s priority.
8. Fixed when enable 3G USB adapter function, it should not access Qos Engine and Routing function pages.(Follow Ubicom)
9. Fixed QOS: Message wording error when the end port range value less than start port range in remote port range.
10. Fixed Access Control doesn't check rule name duplicate.( Protocol or Port duplicate follow Ubicom when Protocol="Any")
11. Fixed Behavior is different for IPv4 & IPv6 PING test.
12. Fixed https://aaa.bbb.ccc becomes https:/ after clicking save settings.
13. Fixed Set NetBIOS Scope to "abc,123", setting CAN be saved but the announced NetBIOS scope becomes "abc".
14. GUI admin/user behaviors. When use "user" account login, then web pages should be gray.
15. GUI Login Fail Alert Message for Dlink model (follow UbiCom)
16. Fixed Status->Device Info Page issue:
Do not allow users to press the "connect" or "DHCP Renew" button after PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP/DHCP connection, and press the "disconnect" or " DHCP Release" button after PPPoE/PPTP/L2TP/DHCP disconnection.
17. Wireless domain for Russia: Modify Russia 5GHz channel list for Dlink Spec.
18. Fixed when change Router LAN IP and add DHCP reservation at the same time, the DHCP reservation rules can't be saved.
19. Fixed schedules rule can not be edit when the rule is used.
20. Fixed Inbound filter rule in use can not be edited.
21. Fixed website filtering rules do not work if the website URL/Domain is prefixed "http://" .Prefixed rules will disappear.
22. Fixed MAC address starting with 08:00:46:EE:D1:C8 won't be accepted. (MAC can not accept 08 at beginning).
23. Firmware version is 2.01WW
24. Disable graph_auth_enable in default.

Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 12
Hardware: B1
Date: 15, May, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb12
Firmware Date: Fri, 15, May, 2009
CheckSum: 0x07F0EA2E

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:

1.Fixed TSD#38:The "Server name/IP" field for PPTP/L2TP and Russia PPTP/L2TP should avoid user to input illegal IP. Only Russia PPTP no check field.
2.Fixed TSD#35:When Enable "Turn MAC Filtering ON and ALLOW computers listed to access the network" function and no input any MAC Address rule, it should appear warning message.
3.Fixed TSD#34:Help page don't need "BigPond Connection" description.
4.Fixed TSD#33:Help Page no have "Advanced DNS service" description.
5.Fixed TSD#32:Help Page does not have "Russia PPTP", "Russia PPPoE" and "3G USB Adapter" descriptions and titles. But no Russia PPTP/PPPoE Internet page help texts. Need PM to provide.
6.Close TSD#31:no texts file.-->Help Page no have "ROUTING" and "IPv6" descriptions and Hyper-Link Title. Need PM to provide.
7.Fixed TSD#30:Help Page no have "USB SETTINGS" description and Hyper-Link Title.
8.Fixed TSD#14:USB Settings Language description issue.
9.Add HTTPS option.
10.Hide Advanced DNS Option.


Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 11
Hardware: B1
Date: 7, May, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb11
Firmware Date: Thu, 7, May, 2009
CheckSum: 0x07F18EA2

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Modify CONFIG_AG7100_LEN_PER_TX_DS=512
2. Support Mac Safari can display autograph pictures.
3. Support Advanced DNS.
4. Fixed the Time zone incorrect for Newfoundland that should be GMT -03:30
5. Support Schedule cannot over 24HR issue.


Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 10
Hardware: B1
Date: 27, Apr, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb10
Firmware Date: Mon, 27, Apr, 2009
CheckSum: 0x07F0BC5E

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed ISP's name issue in WAN 3G mode settings page, Chunghua-->Chunghwa.
2. Fixed BT issue.
3. Fixed igmp snooping.

Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 09
Hardware: B1
Date: 2, Apr, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb09
Firmware Date: Thu, 2, Apr, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7F3E8ED

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed Wireless client site survey will get none security when router set Channel Width auto(20/40) in wpa2-AES and WPS not disable..
2. Fixed Setting EAP does not warning messenger when WPS enable.

Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 08
Hardware: B1
Date: 2, Apr, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb08
Firmware Date: Thu, 2, Apr, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7F3CB03

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed #No.16- Network Filter warning message issue.
2. Fixed #No.11- password setting of WAN wizard can't keep issue.
3. Fixed #No.15 - When set QoS Priority over 1~ 8 ranges, and then click "Save Settings" button. It will appear the warning message, but click "OK" button that it change to saving windows page.
4. Fixed #No.20- Incorrect warning message when login.
5. Fixed #No.23- Email Now function fail on Language Espanol.
6. Fixed #No.6 - When DUT Internet type is Static IP, the pull-down menu display error.


Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 07
Hardware: B1
Date: 27, Mar, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb07
Firmware Date: Fri, 27, Mar, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7F315F8

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed #No.24- Firmware Help page error.
2. Verify #No.23- Email Now function fail on Language Espanol.
3. Verify #No.22- IPv6 - DHCPv6 Stateful failed at PPPoE Mode.
4. Verify #No.21- IPv6 Auto configuration menu error of 6 in 4 Tunnel Mode.
5. Verify #No.20- Incorrect warning message when login.
6. Fixed #No.18- 5G Guest WEP-128 bit Key issue
7. Fixed #No.17 - Status button display error
8. Fixed #No.15 - When set QoS Priority over 1~ 8 ranges, and then click "Save Settings" button. It will appear the warning message, but click "OK" button that it change to saving windows page.
9. Fixed #No.10 - Static IP settings of WAN wizard display location issue.
10. Verify #No.6 - When DUT Internet type is Static IP, the pull-down menu display error.
11. Verify #No.5 - Pop-up a Espanol warning message as below in English UI when the Virtural Server Port Setting conflict with Port Forwarding rules.
12.Fixed #No.2 - Change option to either one in drop-down menu then click save setting will occur a "Not thing changed" warning message.  If click "Yes" to continue, settings are saved and working properly.
13. Verify #No.1 - 3G USB Adaptor display error.
14. Fixed #No.13 - PPPoE service name cause connection to Internet failed.
15. Fixed #No.12 - PPPoE service name can't display.
16. Support igmp snoopy function.
17. Modify the count down time is 40s when setting wan page.
Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 06
Hardware: B1
Date: 23, Mar, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb06
Firmware Date: Mon, 23, Mar, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7DFE535

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Removed the WPS warning message when setting WPA-TKIP/AES.


Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 05
Hardware: B1
Date: 23, Mar, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb05
Firmware Date: Mon, 23, Mar, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7DFA8DB

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Removed the WPS warning message when setting WPA-TKIP/AES.
2. Fixed USB 3G drop menu error.
3. Fixed Russia PPTP can't save.
4. Fixed Static Routing doesn't have wan physical.
5. Fixed Login pop warning message always display.
6. Fixed wording error on 802.11 n only.
7. Fixed the NAME of LAN Computers sometimes display empty on device information.

Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 04
Hardware: B1
Date: 16, Mar, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb04
Firmware Date: Mon, 16, Mar, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7E04CD4

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:
1. Fixed sometimes on different config pages, the frames are a little bit too wide.
2. Fixed The DIR-825 shows its time as "NaN" or the time will not be changed regarding the set time zone, the DIR-825 shows the NTP time.
3. Fixed On this config page in wireless wizard there is a page error.
4. Fixed there is a page error when user try to change the Cipher Type to "TKIP and AES" on wireless setting.
5. Fixed when I configure an Access control rule there are three not named buttons.
6. Fixed WAN Port Speed to Auto 10/100/1000Mbps.
7. Remove "Transmission Rate" information of "Wireless" support page
8. Fixed Floating message error of "Schedule Rules List"(Both "Edit" and "Delete" are incorrect).
9. Fixed Button name error of Access Control.
10. Fixed UI message error of "Load configuration File" (Both messages for "Failed" and "Success" loading are disappeared.)
11. Remove GuestWPS, WISH option on st_device.asp.
12. Add USB 3G country and ISP drop menu.
13. Fixed Configure the Router LAN IP to different IP subnet will not change the "DHCP IP range" IP subnet.
14. Fixed Russia mode when PPP/PPPoE does not connect to server, the status page should display physical IP.
15. Fixed status->routing show up disabled static routing rules.
16. Fixed: 802.11n only not support security WEP or TKIP
17. Fixed: 5G WEP/GuestZone default key display error.

Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 03
Hardware: B1
Date: 26, Feb, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb03
Firmware Date: Thu, 26, Feb, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7DF5C8E

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:

1. Fixed firmware query cannot download.
2. Removed the empty option on Web UI 5G channel list.
3. Add shareport option on usb setting.
4. Please verify Widget and Gadget.


Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 02
Hardware: B1
Date: 26, Feb, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00WWb02
Firmware Date: Thu, 26, Feb, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7DD8416

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:

1. Fixed firmware query cannot download.
2. Fixed 3G warning message error.
3. Fixed change language error on status page.
4. Fixed DDNS cannot save Server Address.
5. Fixed language list error on login page.
6. Fixed some web pages display error when change language.
7. Fixed Russia mode when PPP/PPPoE does not connect to server, the status page should display physical IP.
8. Please verify Widget and Gadget.


Firmware: v2.00WW Build: 01
Hardware: B1
Date: 20, Feb, 2009

Firmware Version: ver2.00EUb02
Firmware Date: Fri, 20, Feb, 2009
CheckSum: 0x7DDEF46

Problems Resolved & Enhancements:

1.First Release.


Citazione di: C@rciofone il 30 Dicembre 2010, 23:25:26Mah! Penso sia una questione di praticità, nel senso che tutti i sorgenti dei firmware sono uguali e fatti a quel modo, poi gli cambiano i binari dei driver dei componenti interni e fine...
In generale, comunque, l'interfaccia dei DIR mi è sempre sembrata efficace e valida, anche se non velocissima.
Ma sempre riguardo all'interruttore, è dello stesso colore del cavo? Dà l'impressione di essere posticcio e aggiunto dopo, oppure sembra veramente uscito dalla fabbrica? Ci sono viti? Aprendolo sono interrotti entrambi i poli o solo uno? Si trova tra spina di rete e trasformatore o tra trasformatore e router?

Nel mio caso nella confezione dei due dir-825 (il primo DOA) gli alimentatori avevano il cavo con l'interruttore passante nero pressosaldato.
L'alimentatore che ho ricevuto nei giorni scorsi in sostituzione è senza interruttore e di produzione diversa ma sempre rigorosamente con uscita 12v/2a.


Citazione di: Carlimi il 31 Dicembre 2010, 11:31:47
Citazione di: C@rciofone il 30 Dicembre 2010, 23:25:26Mah! Penso sia una questione di praticità, nel senso che tutti i sorgenti dei firmware sono uguali e fatti a quel modo, poi gli cambiano i binari dei driver dei componenti interni e fine...
In generale, comunque, l'interfaccia dei DIR mi è sempre sembrata efficace e valida, anche se non velocissima.
Ma sempre riguardo all'interruttore, è dello stesso colore del cavo? Dà l'impressione di essere posticcio e aggiunto dopo, oppure sembra veramente uscito dalla fabbrica? Ci sono viti? Aprendolo sono interrotti entrambi i poli o solo uno? Si trova tra spina di rete e trasformatore o tra trasformatore e router?

Nel mio caso nella confezione dei due dir-825 (il primo DOA) gli alimentatori avevano il cavo con l'interruttore passante nero pressosaldato.
L'alimentatore che ho ricevuto nei giorni scorsi in sostituzione è senza interruttore e di produzione diversa ma sempre rigorosamente con uscita 12v/2a.

confermo, pressosaldato e senza dare nessuna idea di essere un "aggiunta". per quello semba tutto in ordine, solo mi aspetto ste cose sulle lampade da scrivania, non su un router :D

vuoi che allego qualche foto?


Ho caricato il nuovo firmware e non so se sia affidabile la scheda status lan\wireless, ma in 24h nessun pacchetto perso o droppato su lan e wlan... Incredibile!
Ma che siano attivi i contatori o li hanno disattivati?
Ah, altra cosa, il router è freddo (ambiente a 16-20 gradi).


qualcuno sa dirmi se è possibile accedere all'interfaccia del modem connesso al 825 (è un 320b) o se è possibile visualizzare direttamente sul 825 i vari parametri tipo up, down e snr?

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