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DIR-505: Mobile Cloud Companion Wireless N 150

Aperto da Pondera, 15 Settembre 2012, 10:54:51


In anteprima rispetto a tutti i siti D-Link nel mondo aggiunta nel 1° messaggio di questa discussione la visuale esterna del prodotto in 3D a 360°!


Ma l'IP Statico bisogna impostarlo soltanto al d-link che fa da ripetitore o anche al router principale e a tutti i dispositivi che si collegano al ripetitore?


In modalità ripetitore è il router principale che gestisce tutto in automatico col DHCP. Oppure si può gestire tutto manualmente impostando gli IP per ogni dispositivo nella rete, ma anche in questo caso è possibile lasciare attivato il DHCP.


Citazione di: Aled1410 il 23 Ottobre 2012, 08:30:47Il mio modem è Alice Gate W2+

Secondo il manuale, l'IP predefinito del modem è!
Citazione di: Aled1410 il 23 Ottobre 2012, 08:30:47dopo aver acceso il dispositivo come da istruzioni dovrei entrare nella pagina del router Dlink, per settarlo in modo da fargli utilizzare la mia connessione Alice. ma questo non è possibile perchè la pagina non si visualizza.

Devi collegarlo via cavo Ethernat LAN alla scheda di rete impostata in automatico col DHCP oppure con un indirizzo compatibile (192.168.0.x dove 2 ≤ x ≤ 255).

Se il modem ha come IP allora anche il ripetitore dovrebbe avere un indirizzo compatibile, ad es. 192.168.1.x dove 2 ≤ x ≤ 255.


Grazie per la pazienza.
Piccolo aggiornamento..dopo aver collegato via Lan il Dlink sono riuscita ad entrare nella pagina configurazione del %05.
per farlo ho dovuto inserire indirizzo Ip e alla connessione rete Non so che loica  abbia seguito francamente ma così sono arrivata ad una pagina dove ho potuto inserire la mia connessione Alice per il wifi e la password di rete.
ho scollegato il cavo sono punto a capo...solo con il wifi non riesce a connettersi ad internet perche non riesce ad identificare la rete. Ovviamente non riesco più nmmeno entrare nella famosa pagina
ho fatto tentativi di assegnare indirizzi IP anche alla scheda non cambia nulla, se non che assegnando un Ip statico poi non si connette più nemmeno Alice.
C'è qualche altro passaggio forse che dovevo fare ancora con il cavo Lan collegato???
Grazie ancora


Purtroppo se non ci dai maggiori dettagli sulla procedura che hai seguito non riusciamo ad aiutarti...
Se te la cavi con l'inglese segui quest'altra guida:

How To Configure Repeater Mode on DIR-505 via Installation Wizard.pdf

Facci sapere in ogni caso! ;)


Scusa, hai ragione sono stata troppo sintetica!! In realtà ho seguito le tue istruzioni assegnando un indirizzo IP statico con il DIR 505 collegato Via Lan. questo mi ha permesso di entrare nella pagina del router proprio come spiegato nelle istruzioni che mi hai inviato. Sono infatti riuscita a individuare la mia connessione Alice ed ad inserire la password, praticamente ho inserito la chiave WPA della mia connessione.
Ho poi scollegato il cavo e tentato la connessione wifi. Purtroppo come prima il wifi non funziona.
Dalle nuove istruzioni posso pensare che gli errori siano:
1)A differenza della procedura in Inglese che mi hai inviato, prima di togliere il cavo non ho eliminato l'indirizzo statico assegnato.
2)oppure l'indirizzo che ho assegnato non era corretto, nel senso che io ho usato 192.168.0. x, mentre il mio modem è
però è vero che ne ho provati decine e solo con quello mi si è aperta la pagina del set up wizard. Non ho ben capito infatti questa questione degli devono essere compatibili con quello del modem o con quello standard del DIR 505, che è appunto!!!
Un altro dubbio che ho è una volta che fosse tutto configurato per mi devo connettere alla mia connessione Alice o alla connessione Dlink che si vede ed ha un segnale eccellente????
Ora schiaccerò il famoso pulsante reset e rifaccio tutto da capo. Ho deciso di non demordere!
Grazie ancora!!sei proprio gentile a non mandarmi a quel paese!!


Citazione di: Aled1410 il 11 Novembre 2012, 08:26:51il mio modem è [...] Non ho ben capito infatti questa questione degli devono essere compatibili con quello del modem o con quello standard del DIR 505, che è appunto!!!

Meglio che tutti i dispositivi della tua rete siano di una stessa classe di indirizzi IP (Internet Protocol address): es. 192.168.1.x (2 ≤ x ≤ 255).

Se già il modem è imposta, ad esempio, il DIR-505 su come segue.
Metti il selettore di modalità su Repeater e resetta. Collegalo via cavo Ethernet LAN alla scheda di rete del tuo PC impostata su e nel browser digita (oppure scrivi "dlinkrouter") per configurarlo. In SETUP>LAN SETUP imposta:

My LAN connection: Static IP

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway Address:
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS server:

Poi premi Save Settings.
Adesso che hai cambiato indirizzo IP al DIR-505 cambialo anche alla scheda di rete alla quale è collegato via cavo impostandola con:

Il Gate W2+ dovrebbe essere già preimpostato per assegnare in automatico (DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) gli indirizzi da a ai dispositivi della tua rete.

Dopo puoi continuare a configurare il DIR-505 per la parte wireless.

Citazione di: Aled1410 il 11 Novembre 2012, 08:26:51Ho deciso di non demordere!

Bene! :D

Citazione di: Aled1410 il 11 Novembre 2012, 08:26:51Grazie ancora!!sei proprio gentile a non mandarmi a quel paese!!

:P ;)


Nota edizione cumulativa versione firmware 1.04 build 17 Beta 01 con data 20120921.

Project Name: DIR-505
HW version: A1
Region/OEM code: Default
WLAN Domain: 0x10/FCC
Channel List:
2.4GHz: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Firmware Query URL:
Flash size: 8MB
DRAM size: 64MB
Firmware: v1.04 Build: 17Beta01
Hardware: A1
Date: Sep, 21, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b17Beta01
Firmware Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0307, Date: Wed, 19, Sep, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x0771FDC4

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed when the client is trying to view his Apple Home Sharing on his Iphone/Ipad/Apple TV, these devices do not see the Home Share.
2. Fixed Push Mail doesn't work. The Phone doesn't get the mails over Push.
3. Fixed TSD 0016649: Adding a user which name is the same as admin's password, he will not be able to login shareport web access with the password set on web UI, password will be the same as that user's name, and after login and change to folder view he can't access any folders.
4. Fixed TSD 0016648: In Repeater mode, extend wi-fi settings would keep the old after restored from configure file.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 17
Hardware: A1
Date: Sep, 14, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b17
Firmware Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0304, Date: Thu, 13, Sep, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x07727C5A

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed
a. When DUT connected rootap Ipad unable go to internet.
b. When DUT connected rootap Android no automatic change ip still is old IP, but can go to internet.
c. When DUT connected rootap lan pc can not automatic change IP and can not go to internet.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 16
Hardware: A1
Date: Sep, 13, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b16
Firmware Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0304, Date: Thu, 13, Sep, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x07719B55

Problems Resolved:
1. Enhance when DUT boot up, wireless client can scan DUT SSID, but can't connect to DUT in repeater mode.
2. Support http://dlinkrouter.local. On Android under repeater mode without Root AP link.

Known issue: When repeater mode connect to Root AP, android system can not access DIR-505 via http://dlinkrouter.local


Firmware: v1.04 Build: 15
Hardware: A1
Date: Sep, 12, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b15
Firmware Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0303, Date: Wed, 12, Sep, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x077209E4

Problems Resolved:
3. Fix WIFI Client link down issue.


Firmware: v1.04 Build: 14
Hardware: A1
Date: Sep, 12, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b14
Firmware Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0303, Date: Wed, 12, Sep, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x077213F5

Problems Resolved:
4. Fix TSD bug: Xbox fails to use DLNA to access 505's USB Storage.
5. Fix TSD bug: reconnect to L2TP not work.
6. Repeater GUI string fix, add wireless client list in status page.
7. Modify site survey check value to -80dbm
8. Patch atheros driver for fix wrong WIFI password of uplink router, client can't connect to DUT.

Know issue: when Client PC get IP from rootAP, rootAP dhcp lease time is one day, so client pc need do release/renew to get IP.


Firmware: v1.04 Build: 13
Hardware: A1
Date: Sep, 06, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b13
Firmware Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0299, Date: Wed, 5, Sep, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x0772A4D6

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed DUT connected AP/Router(WEP) ,DUT local security mode set wep_ascii, wireless client connect DUT can not get IP in Repeater mode.
2. Fixed When the use same as Wi-Fi network SSID, local security mode set still not change same Wi-Fi network.
3. Fixed Use Wizard WPS connected Router finish choose and router same SSID,GUI local SSID still display defaults SSID at default wizard.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 12
Hardware: A1
Date: Sep, 03, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b12
Firmware Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0298, Date: Tue, 4, Sep, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x07719A18

Problems Resolved:
1. Fix shareport redirect from lan ip to domain name.(shareport)
2. Change behavior when change Lan ip then save settings, will reboot.
3. Fixed after doing Internet settings via Setup Wizard, PPPOE can't connect Internet.
4. Fixed WEP:HEX/ASCII display error in GUI in Repeater mode.
5. Fixed save network settings page redirect to 404 page.


Firmware: v1.04 Build: 11
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 31, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b11
Firmware Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0296, Date: Thu, 30, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x07725359

Problems Resolved:
1. Fix WPS PBC connect success, led not stop blinking.
2. Fix WPS PBC5 connect finish, DUT can not get ip from rootAP in repeater mode.
3. Use "Redirect Mode" to replace "Proxy Mode" for http://shareport and http://shareport.local.

1. For MP enhancement: after this FW version, need to upgrade the DIR-505 loader version 1.00b04.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 10
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 29, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b10
Firmware Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0295, Date: Wed, 29, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x0770F92D

Problems Resolved:
1. Support https://shareport and https://shareport .local.
2. Fix QRS V1.1b03 when DUT is AP mode to router mode unable detecting internet (PPPoE).
3. Fix Lan PC does not automatically change the new IP ,When Repeater mode connect router.
4. Fix DHCP IP Address Range and DAP-1320 different.
5. Fix Router security mode is WEP_Hex ,repeater display WEP_ASCII , Router security mode is WEP_ASCII ,repeater display WEP_Hex.
6. Fix when open Device_Info page with IE browser memory will become too big.
7. Fixed TSD Bug:14932- When saving file via SharePort Web Access, the download file name would always be usb_dev_usb_A1_xxxxx.
For example, the save name will be usb_dev_usb_A1_Mouse.exe when trying to download "Mouse.exe".
8. Modify to reboot after saving storage settings, because DUT need to restart for shareport.local.
9. Add extension SSID in Setup wizard for repeater mode.(p.s. Please test WPS(PBC5) function in Setup Wizard)
10. Fix when repeater mode use QRS connect to router security is select "wep", can't see the repeater change ssid when site survey again.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 09
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 23, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b09
Firmware Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0291, Date: Thu, 23, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x07710589

Problems Resolved:
1. Add DHCPD in repeater mode - leverage DAP-1320 and only on Repeater.
2. Add new spec for when user key in: http://Shareport.local , DIR-505A1 will auto return to port: 8181.
3. Add new spec for Repeater mode, to support extended SSID WI-FI settings.
4. Add new spec for no matter in which mode, wireless settings will be shared. In Repeater mode, leverage wireless settings from AP/RT/HotSpot mode.
5. Fixed Time function lack "daylight saving offset" item only Router mode.
6. Fixed Using Restore configuration frome file> login admin password still exist.
7. Remove Wake-on-LAN because DIR-505A1 only has wan port in router mode.


Firmware: v1.04 Build: 08
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 21, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b08
Firmware Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0287, Date: Thu, 21, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x07714215

Problems Resolved:
1. Patch Atheros for fix ARP table issue in repeater mode.
2. Dhcp client change disable option 60 as default.
3. Fix TSD 0015788: USB Storage would be easy to disappear during uploading big file (500M) to the USB Storage of DUT.?Fail (Test 700Mb file)
? Note: Modify lighttpd config: not limit tcp transfer speed for web file access.
? Note: Modify kernel: decirease max sectors for avoid usb high speed reset.
4. Pre-test bug172: Site survey should filter the AD_HOC mode.
5. Fix site survey list error, WPA/WPA2 show WEP.
6. Fix USB inserted in the DUT for some time, re to use stroage will not be able to find a usb device.
7. Fix when Router change IP ,DUT does not automatically renew the IP(Issue).
8. Fix WPS connect finish ,LED still fiash in Repeater mode.
9. Fix QRS v1.1 use wan autodetect will fail in AP mode.
10. Fix when change AP mode to ROUTER mode by QRS v1.1, can't save wan settings to ROUTER mode.
11. Change Web File Access login GUI words: Web file access server --> sharePort Web Access server

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 07
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 16, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b07
Firmware Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0284, Date: Thu, 16, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x07727A56

Problems Resolved:
1. Fix when Router security mode is none ,unable save in DUT.
2. Fix when WI-Fi SSID have special characters ,unable scan any ap SSID.
3. Fix TSD 0015788: USB Storage would be easy to disappear during uploading big file (500M) to the USB Storage of DUT.
4. Fix TSD 0015783: The user can't use Apple App to upload file into USB Storage of DUT. There would be a message " You only have the permission to read files".
5. Fix TSD 0014913: The Web can't show correct file information when file size is more than 2G.. (Web UI and SharePort App both can reproduce this issue.)
6. Site survey filter the AP which is EAP mode.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 06
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 10, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b06
Firmware Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0280, Date: Fri, 10, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x0771EED6

Problems Resolved:
1. Fix QRS v1.1 save error.
2. Webfile access category view add m4a & m4v support.
3. Fixed when file size is bigger than 2G, the size info of file is wrong.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 05
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 8, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b05
Firmware Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0278, Date: Wed, 8, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0008, Date: Fri, 03, Aug, 2012
checksum: 0x077131D2

Problems Resolved:
1. Support QRS pro and QRS v1.1.
2. Hide the AP which signal strength less then -64.
3. Speed up to upload big file.
4. Remove v1.04B04: add setting command of the MAC of RootAP on station interface.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 04
Hardware: A1
Date: Aug, 1, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b04
Firmware Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0273, Date: Wed, 1, Aug, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0007, Date: Thu, 05, Jul, 2012
checksum: 0x077193CA

Problems Resolved:
1. After DIR-505 connect to root ap, scan result incorrect.
2. Fix QRS mobile1.1 HNAP command, add GetWirelessClientSettings and SetWirelessClientSettings command.
3. Add setting command of the MAC of RootAP on station interface.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 03
Hardware: A1
Date: Jul, 20, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b03
Firmware Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0267, Date: Thu, 19, Jul, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0007, Date: Thu, 05, Jul, 2012
checksum: 0x0770C91D

Problems Resolved:
1. Support D-Link AP and Router Device Management v1.05
2. Patch Atheros driver for Beacon stuck.
3. Support HNAP in Repeater & HotSpot Mode
4. Support HNAP command for wan detection in AP mode.(ADIC)
5. Change "Ooops" to "Oops".

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 02
Hardware: A1
Date: Jul, 06, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b02
Firmware Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0264, Date: Mon, 2, Jul, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0007, Date: Thu, 05, Jul, 2012
checksum: 0x07708AF0

Problems Resolved:
1. If the file is bigger than 1.5G via DLNA scan, we will skip it by not to do scanning.
2. Fixed WI-FI failed sometimes in Repeater and HotSpot Mode.
3. Support conflict detection that when WAN IP conflict with LAN IP and then change LAN IP to in HotSpot and Router Mode. And change Virtual server and DMZ subnet at the same time.

Firmware: v1.04 Build: 01
Hardware: A1
Date: Jun, 22, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.04b01
Firmware Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0261, Date: Thu, 21, Jun, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0006, Date: Wed, 20, Jun, 2012
checksum: 0x07708C64

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed re-execute WPS PBC ,WIFI will crash.
2. Patch atheros WIFI driver when WIFI client in power saving mode , DUT WIFI beacon will cause error.

Firmware: v1.03 Build: 03
Hardware: A1
Date: Jun, 14, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.03b03
Firmware Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0260, Date: Tue, 13, Jun, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0005, Date: Wed, 13, Jun, 2012
checksum: 0x0771605B

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed ipad/android DHCP connect issue under Repeater Mode
2. Fixed Wi-Fi association time improve efficiency (DHCP Server Arp time out shorten from 2 sec to 0.5 sec)
3. Disable Double NAT function:  ver1.03b01 Support conflict detection that when WAN IP conflict with LAN IP and then change LAN IP to in HotSpot and Router Mode.

Firmware: v1.03 Build: 02
Hardware: A1
Date: Jun, 5, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.03b02
Firmware Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0059, Date: Wed, 30, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0256, Date: Fri, 1, Jun, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x0771948B

Problems Resolved:
1. Support Multiple language RU.

Firmware: v1.03 Build: 01
Hardware: A1
Date: May, 28, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.03b01
Firmware Date: Mon, 28 May 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0058, Date: Mon, 7, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0249, Date: Mon, 28, May, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x07718B76

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD0010333:
All Mode - Web UI Access Test - Bonjour in Windows OS
In Windows OS, Safari can't use Bonjour to access DUT's Web UI when client PC and DUT's IP both are 169.254.x.x.
2. Fixed Directory folder name blank can not be accessed in Append new floder
3. Fixed Field limited to 20 characters at Ping test should is 63 charcters(for DIR-835_A1)
4. Fixed Disable upnp press save settings there is no countdown page in upnp setting
5. Fixed Disable UPNP is invalid
6. Fixed the file under the folder with special character!@#$%^&*()_+, the file won't show correctly in shareport (iphone/ipad v1.2.0.2)
7. Fixed The Default wizard setting PPPoE DUT get IP  but can not go to internet
8. Fixed The filename is too long display issue on the Web File Access UI
9. Fixed in repeater mode, when admin password not correct, no warning message pop out
10. Support conflict detection that when WAN IP conflict with LAN IP and then change LAN IP to in HotSpot and Router Mode.
11. Modify DUT LED should be delayed when system ready.
12. Change waiting time from 15 seconds to 60 seconds in back page after wireless settings in All mode.
13. Fixed HotSpot Mode Status can not display correctly, when DHCP server IP different with gateway IP.
14. Support USB charge in AP and Repeater Mode.

Firmware: v1.02 Build: 07
Hardware: A1
Date: May, 09, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.02b07
Firmware Date: Wed, 09 May 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0058, Date: Mon, 7, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0238, Date: Tue, 08, May, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x0770E65E

Problems Resolved:
1. Enhance user GUI experience.
2. Fixed the warning message display issue in upload language pack.
3. Fixed empty account and password can login at Web File Access; it should be pop warning message.
4. Fixed schedule day settings will show before edit rule.


Firmware: v1.02 Build: 06
Hardware: A1
Date: May, 08, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.02b06
Firmware Date: Tue, 08 May 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0058, Date: Mon, 7, May, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0238, Date: Tue, 08, May, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x077231EF

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD0012580:
a.Double click the file under the folder with special character, the file can't show correctly. b.When using WebUI to modify user right, if the folder name include special characters, it will shows "None USB Storage Insert."
2. Fixed Directory folder name blank can not be accessed in Append new floder
3. Fixed Webfile access page buffering UI bug(images loading icon display error)
4. Fixed web file access admin--- admin account cannot log in with password.
5. Replace DLNA icon to D-Link icon.
6. This Firmware equal CN FW v1.02CNB01, except D-Link DDNS CN feature, v1.02B06 didn't support it!!!


Firmware: v1.02 Build: 05
Hardware: A1
Date: May, 03, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.02b05
Firmware Date: Thu, 03 May 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0057, Date: Mon, 30, Apr, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0237, Date: Thu, 03, May, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x0770A9B1

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed upload file failure from browser (IE/Firefox/Chrome).


Firmware: v1.02 Build: 04
Hardware: A1
Date: May, 03, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.02b04
Firmware Date: Thu, 03 May 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0057, Date: Mon, 30, Apr, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0237, Date: Thu, 03, May, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x0770A8D8

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed files path show issue when language pack upload.
2. Fixed description show issue, user can only key 5 digits but warning message shows max 6 digits when DHCP settings in Network page.
3. Support create folder and upload file checking enhancement for checking permission(read only/read write)before user doing.


Firmware: v1.02 Build: 03
Hardware: A1
Date: May, 02, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.02b03
Firmware Date: Wed, 02 May 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0057, Date: Mon, 30, Apr, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0236, Date: Wed, 02, May, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x07715AD2

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD0010603: Router & HotSpot Mode - When user's right is limited to "Read Only" in "/" or "/usb_A1", the user still can create folder or upload file.
2. Fixed TSD 0012447: Router & HotSpot Mode - If plugged-in storage device's format is FAT32, unicode file name can not be displayed, if it's NTFS, unicode file name can be displayed.
3. Fixed TSD0010595: Router & HotSpot Mode - After create a folder with special character "&" or "%", the Web UI shows incorrect folder list.
4. Fixed TSD0010654: Repeater Mode - When setting the connection type of DUT to "Static IP" in Repeater mode, the Gateway Address can't be blank.
5. Fixed TSD0009743: Router & AP mode - After change the 802.11 Mode to "Mixed 802.11n, 802.11g" or "Mixed 802.11n, 802.11g and 802.11b", the Cipher Type become "TKIP".
6. Fixed TSD0009404: Router Mode - After change the password of user, click "Save Settings", a warning message pop-up: "Nothing has changed. Save anyway?". If we click "Cancel", the password will not be changed. Suggested removing the warning message on this condition.
7. Fixed TSD0012210: Router & AP mode - The enabled schedule rule can be deleted.
8. Fixed TSD0012161: Repeater Mode - In Repeater mode, the message for Language Pack Upgrade is incorrect.
9. Fixed TSD0010657: AP & Repeater Mode - After change the LAN Connection Type from "Static IP" to "DHCP", if the DUT doesn't get IP address, the Status Page shows wrong Gateway address.
10. Fixed Webfile Access GUI enlarge can NOT surfing page issue.
11. Fixed Webfile Access GUI over lapping.
12. Fixed Webfile access Dual partitions display error.
13. Fixed USB storage compatible issue: some NTFS USB dongle cannot be access.
14. Extend the expiration date of HTTPS certificate to 2031/5/2
15. Change document supported of webfile access: doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, txt, xls, xlsx
16. Fixed static lan settings cannot let DNS blank in RPT mode
17. Support USB storage which size is larger then 2TB
18. Fixed enable/disable remote webfile access function cannot work except reboot in RT mode
19. Fixed language bugs of 110831  D-Link DIR-505A1_lang_v1.00b02.doc

test usb device list:
3.5 inch
WD MyBook Essential 1T
Buffalo DriveStation 3TB
Seagate Expansion 3TB

USB dongle
Kingston 16GB USB3.0(DT Ultimate G2)
ADATA 32GB USB3.0(S102)
Sandisk cruzer 32GB
ADATA my flash 2GB

2.5 inch
Transcend 1TB USB3.0(TS1TSJ25A3K)
Seagate GoFlex 500GB USB3.0(FreeAgent GoFlex 9ZF2A2-500)
Buffalo 500GB USB3.0(HD-PE500U3)
ADATA 500GB USB3.0(Nobility NH13)

Firmware: v1.02 Build: 02
Hardware: A1
Date: Apr, 26, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.02b02
Firmware Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0056, Date: Wed, 21, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0233, Date: Thu, 26, Apr, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x0771030F

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD0012525: In Storage.htm of Route Mode/HotSpot mode- After changing the password of the user, click "Save Settings", a warning message pop-up: "Nothing has changed. Save anyway?". If we click "Cancel", the password will not be changed. Suggested removing the warning message on this condition.
2. Fixed TSD0012537: Router & AP mode- The using schedule rule can be deleted.
3. Fixed user connected DUT by iphone/ipad when its' security mode is none and wan is disconnected, the login page auto pop-up and display error.
4. Fixed mtime value type of file list and category list by Webfile Access API spec v1.02
5. Support double checking user's permission(read only/read write) of delete file function by Webfile Access API for avoiding user deleting files accidently from app or GUI.
6. Support pageoffset & maxcount for ListFile & ListCategory function by Webfile Access API spec v1.02
7. Support phase ?: Wi-Fi HotSpot mode PPPoE
8. Support phase ?: Wi-Fi HotSpot mode ping and traceroute
9. Support DDNS Help summary complete in HotSpot Mode
10. Fixed Site survey list Signal(%) not 100% at Isolation room test.
11. Improve USB storage compatibility.

1. NTFS Partition size > 2TB has not supported yet.

Firmware: v1.02 Build: 01
Hardware: A1
Date: Apr, 19, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.02b01
Firmware Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0056, Date: Wed, 21, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0229, Date: Thu, 19, Apr, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x076C84D5

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed Enable graphical authentication is no effect.
2. Fixed graphical authentication unable disable in HotSpot Mode.
3. Fixed If the Media Server Name contains special char "<" or "&", after apply the setting, the Media Server can't enable successfully.
4. Fixed When user's right is limited to "Read Only" in "/" or "/usb_A1", the user still can create folder or upload file.
5. Fixed Shareport app: when storage user account is admin, no matter uppercase or lowercase, it will authentication success but get folder list error.
6. Fixed No delete file function in web access page.
7. Fixed Password 63character display incomplete at wizard.
8. Fixed Select folder display "None USB storage Insert" in modify user permission.
9. Fixed Wan/wireless statistics unable clear statistics at statistic.
10. Fixed Help setup explain Incomplete in Router and HotSpot Mode.
11. Fixed Press wps retry button page to freeze at WI-FI Hotspot setup.
12. Fixed Name is Traditional Chinese can not display at FAT32 - Shareport and web access.
13. Fixed Site survey list Signal(%) not 100% at Isolation room test.
14. Fixed HT 20/40 coexistence GUI behavior issue.
15. Support phase ?: Webfile Access Wizard
16. Fixed when user modify admin user password by HNAP, it should modify storage admin account password as same.


Firmware: v1.01 Build: 06
Hardware: A1
Date: Apr, 06, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.01b06
Firmware Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0056, Date: Wed, 21, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0220, Date: Fri, 6, Apr, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x076D4893

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed Name is Traditional Chinese can not display at FAT32 – Shareport.
2. Fixed Delete file function can't delete name is Traditional Chinese at   Storage – Shareport.
3. Fixed WI-FI Hotspot and wireless LAN the Channel not uniform at Hotspot mode.
4. Remove the domain description under the wireless channel item from Wireless UI
5. Fixed Device Info page display different mac address with chklst.txt
Actually, the correct mac address value should be as below:
HotSpot mode:
Status HotSpot MAC Address  = chklst.txt : WLAN MAC 0
Status Lan MAC Address = chklst.txt : LAN MAC
Status Wireless LAN MAC Address = chklst.txt : WLAN MAC 1
Repeter mode:
Status Lan MAC Address = chklst.txt : LAN MAC
Status Wireless LAN MAC Address = chklst.txt : WLAN MAC 0
Router mode:
Status Wan MAC Address = chklst.txt : WAN MAC
Status Lan MAC Address = chklst.txt : LAN MAC


Firmware: v1.01 Build: 05
Hardware: A1
Date: Mar, 23, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.01b05
Firmware Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0056, Date: Wed, 21, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0214, Date: Thu, 22, Mar, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x076DAB14

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed When Router set security mode is "Auto(WPA or WPA2)_TKIP and AES"?key is"!@#$%^&&*",QRS mobile to freeze in Detecting Internet.
2. Fixed power consumption more than 1W in RT/AP mode.

Firmware: v1.01 Build: 04
Hardware: A1
Date: Mar, 22, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.01b04
Firmware Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0056, Date: Wed, 21, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0214, Date: Thu, 22, Mar, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x076C4F9B

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed When Router set security mode is "Auto(WPA or WPA2)_TKIP and AES"?key is"!@#$%^&&*",QRS mobile to freeze in Detecting Internet.
2. Fixed power consumption more than 1W in RT/AP mode.

Firmware: v1.01 Build: 03
Hardware: A1
Date: Mar, 15, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.01b03
Firmware Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0055, Date: Thu, 1, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  208, Date: Mon, 12, Mar, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x076D1DC3

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed When user set is "Read Only" in "/",use IE8 still can create folder and upload file.
2. Fixed delete file function can't delete some of files(eg:pdf).
3. Supported Delete function on SharePort Web Access base on D-Link defined behavior, it means that doesn't need to delete folders.

Firmware: v1.01 Build: 02
Hardware: A1
Date: Mar, 9, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.01b02
Firmware Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0055, Date: Thu, 1, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  205, Date: Fri, 9, Mar, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x076D27DB

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed Shareport app: when storage user account is admin, no matter uppercase or lowercase, it will authentication success but get folder list error.
2. Supported new checked function for storage user name no matter what uppercase or lowercase means the same name in Storage.htm.


Firmware: v1.01 Build: 01
Hardware: A1
Date: Mar, 2, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.01b01
Firmware Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0055, Date: Thu, 1, Mar, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  201, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0004, Date: Fri, 2, Mar, 2012
checksum: 0x076C923E

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD 0009324, Router Mode - SETUP - Media Server - Media Server Name - Special char. If the Media Server Name contains special char "<" or "&", after apply the setting, the Media Server can't enable successfully.
2. Fixed TSD 0010595, Router & HotSpot Mode - SETUP - Storage - Shareport - Web Access. After create a folder with special character "&" or "%", the Web UI shows incorrect folder list.
3. Fixed TSD 0010603, Router & HotSpot Mode - SETUP - Storage - Shareport - User Creation - User Right. When user's right is limited to "Read Only" in "/" or "/usb_A1", the user still can create folder or upload file.
4. Fixed TSD 0010654, Repeater Mode - SETUP - LAN Setup – Gateway.
When setting the connection type of DUT to "Static IP" in Repeater mode, the Gateway Address can't be blank.  AP mode doesn't have this behavior.
5. Fixed TSD 0010657, AP & Repeater Mode - Status - Gateway address.
After change the LAN Connection Type from "Static IP" to "DHCP", if the DUT doesn't get IP address, the Status Page shows wrong Gateway address
6. Fixed TSD 0010683, AP Mode - Default IP address. If the Gateway Address is the same with DUT's Static IP Address, user can access DUT via default IP (
7. Supported Delete function on SharePort Web Access


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 12
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 29, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b12
Firmware Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0054, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  198, Date: Wed, 29, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076BB8E1

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD 0010512, Wi-Fi HotSpot Mode - Wi-Fi HotSpot Setup - Internet MAC Address. In Wi-Fi HotSpot mode, DUT will turn off its wireless LAN (channel will be 0) when its Internet MAC Address is configured like below:
2. Fixed TSD 0010517, Wi-Fi HotSpot Mode - Status - DNS Information. In Wi-Fi HotSpot mode, the Wi-Fi HotSpot DNS information is incorrect after DUT's DNS settings is configured from "Set DNS Manually" to "Attain DNS Automatically".
DUT will still show manual DNS informaiton after it get DNS from DHCP Server.
3. fixed after using wireless client to configure the wireless settings in hotspot or repeater mode, GUI did not redirect to the reboot page or the back page
4. changed the reboot time from 30 seconds to 60 seconds on the Wizard page in Hotspot and Repeater mode

Firmware: v1.00 Build: 11
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 23, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b11
Firmware Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0054, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  194, Date: Thu, 23, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076C9EF3

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed when DUT restored to default and then modified DUT's settings in Repeater Mode, and then the Router&AP&HotSpot's ssid and security did not become the default settings.


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 10
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 22, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b10
Firmware Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0054, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  193, Date: Wed, 22, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076D2456

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD 0010256. In HotSpot or Repeater mode, there are 2 site survey issues as below:
a. The site survey result will be empty when DUT has connected to other Router.
b. The site survey result will less than the real environment when DUT hasn't connected to other Router.
2. Fixed TSD 0010333. Safari can't use Bonjour to access DUT's Web UI when client PC doesn't bind the same subnet IP with DUT.
3. Fixed when setting Local Wi-Fi Network Name to Same as Wi-Fi Hotspot Network Name and changing SSID on Wi-Fi Hotspot Setup page, SSID for Hotspot's AP did not be changed
4. Fixed displayed incorrect lan description on Lan Setup page in Hotspot mode
5. Fixed GUI did not check the remote management's port was conflicted with the storage's port or not when the remote management was enabled
6. Fixed disabling the WPS function of Repeater's AP, users could not execute the WPS function for Repeater's sta
7. Fixed when DUT's lan connection type was static ip, the default IP address should not be existed in AP and Repeater mode
8. Fixed when DUT restored to default and then modified DUT's settings in Router or Hotspot, Repeater's ssid and security did not become the default settings
9. Fixed after changing the storage's port number, mDNS did not update the port number


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 09
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 17, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b09
Firmware Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0054, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  190, Date: Fri, 17, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076CA67D

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD 0009916. In Setup Wizard with manual, DUT fails to connect to SSID that includes character & and character & must be the end of SSID.
2. Fixed TSD 0010243. In Repeater mode, Wireless Clients fail to use WEP to connect to DUT.
3. Fixed TSD 0010254. HotSpot Mode - Setup Wizard - Use the same Wi-Fi Network Name for the Extended Network. The Local Wi-Fi Security will keep the original security (WEP or WPA/WPA2-SPK) when using Wizard with Use the same Wi-Fi Network Name for the Extended Network to connect to None Router.
4. Fixed TSD 0010256. In HotSpot or Repeater mode, there are 2 site survey issues as below:
a. The site survey result will be empty when DUT has connected to other Router.
b. The site survey result will less than the real environment when DUT hasn't connected to other Router.
5. Fixed TSD 0010263. In Repeater mode, the SSID will be empty after using Wizard.
6. Fixed user name for SharePort Web Access should not be case sensitive
7. Fixed unable to save the wireless settings by selecting Local Wi-Fi Network Name to Same as Wi-Fi Hotspot Network Name and the Hotspot SSID contained specific characters.
8. Fixed the device link displayed undefined when DUT did not have WAN IP


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 08
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 16, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b08
Firmware Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0054, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  188, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076C6B07

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed Wireless page display error in AP, RT, Repeater Mode in v1.00B07.
2. Fixed TSD 0009541: Router Mode - SETUP - Network Settings - DHCP Client List, After add a DHCP reservation or new wireless client, the "DHCP client list" and "Device Info - LAN Computers" doesn't show correct result.
3. Fixed TSD 0009916: HotSpot & Repeater Mode - Setup Wizard - Manual(HotSpot or Repeater mode), In Setup Wizard with manual, DUT fails to connect to SSID that includes character & and character & must be the end of SSID.
4. Fixed TSD 0010129: "HotSpot Mode - Setup Wizard - Empty SSID In HotSpot mode, the user can use Wizard to connect to empty SSID."
5. Fixed TSD 0010131: "HotSpot Mode - Setup Wizard - Use the same Wi-Fi Network Name for the Extended Network, The Local Wi-Fi Security will become None (Web UI still keeps WEP) when using Wizard with Use the same Wi-Fi Network Name for the Extended Network to connect to WEP Router."
6. Fixed TSD 0010132: "HotSpot Mode - Wi-Fi HotSpot Setup - Site Survey In HotSpot mode, the site survey table will show the same survey result more than one time when using ""Cancel"" button to rescan. "
7. Fixed TSD 0010133: Repeater Mode - Site Survey
8. Fixed TSD 0010134: "Repeater Mode - Wizard – WPS In Repeater mode, use the Wizard of DUT can enable its WPS function after the user did use its Web UI to disable all WPS functions."
9. Fixed L2TP function can't work (DUT  not response server),when Username and Password is Digital.
10. Fixed Guest Zone users should can not access WebUI when Routing Between Zones is disabled.
11. Fixed Unable to use device management to WebUI ,When LAN pc and device are 169.254.X.X
12. Fixed Select Wi-Fi  Hotspot /Repeater GUI issue.
13. Fixed Site survey did not show a result the list
14. Fixed Status >"device info" page should not automatically  redirect to login page
15. Fixed In Status "device info" page, device should reflash every 3 seconds
16. Fixed Networkmap should icon and the same equipement


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 07
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 15, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b07
Firmware Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0054, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  187, Date: Wed, 15, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076CF63D

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD 0009541: Router Mode - SETUP - Network Settings - DHCP Client List, After add a DHCP reservation or new wireless client, the "DHCP client list" and "Device Info - LAN Computers" doesn't show correct result.
2. Fixed TSD 0009916: HotSpot & Repeater Mode - Setup Wizard - Manual(HotSpot or Repeater mode), In Setup Wizard with manual, DUT fails to connect to SSID that includes character & and character & must be the end of SSID.
3. Fixed TSD 0010129: "HotSpot Mode - Setup Wizard - Empty SSID In HotSpot mode, the user can use Wizard to connect to empty SSID."
4. Fixed TSD 0010131: "HotSpot Mode - Setup Wizard - Use the same Wi-Fi Network Name for the Extended Network, The Local Wi-Fi Security will become None (Web UI still keeps WEP) when using Wizard with Use the same Wi-Fi Network Name for the Extended Network to connect to WEP Router."
5. Fixed TSD 0010132: "HotSpot Mode - Wi-Fi HotSpot Setup - Site Survey In HotSpot mode, the site survey table will show the same survey result more than one time when using ""Cancel"" button to rescan. "
6. Fixed TSD 0010133: Repeater Mode - Site Survey
7. Fixed TSD 0010134: "Repeater Mode - Wizard – WPS In Repeater mode, use the Wizard of DUT can enable its WPS function after the user did use its Web UI to disable all WPS functions."
8. Fixed L2TP function can't work (DUT  not response server),when Username and Password is Digital.
9. Fixed Guest Zone users should can not access WebUI when Routing Between Zones is disabled.
10. Fixed Unable to use device management to WebUI ,When LAN pc and device are 169.254.X.X
11. Fixed Select Wi-Fi  Hotspot /Repeater GUI issue.
12. Fixed Site survey did not show a result the list
13. Fixed Status >"device info" page should not automatically  redirect to login page
14. Fixed In Status "device info" page, device should reflash every 3 seconds
15. Fixed Networkmap should icon and the same equipement


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 06
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 9, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b06
Firmware Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0053, Date: Thu, 9, Feb, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build:  180, Date: Thu, 9, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076CD68B

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD 0009410: Router Mode - SETUP - Internet - Static IP - Subnet Mask – Hint, Error message of Subnet Mask is incorrect.
2. Fixed TSD 0009435: Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode - Wi-Fi HotSpot Setup – WPS In Wi-Fi Hot Spot mode, WPS function is failed. It means DUT in Wi-Fi HotSpot mode can't use WPS to connect to other AP/Wireless Router.
3. Fixed TSD 0009496: Router Mode - SETUP - Internet - L2TP, When the network setting is not default value, (e.g. Router IP: -> set the "Reconnect Mode" to "Manual" and "Address Mode" to "Static IP". After apply the L2TP settings, DUT will connect to L2TP server. After reboot the DUT, wireless clients fail to connect to DUT.
4. Fixed TSD 0009541: Router Mode - SETUP - Network Settings - DHCP Client List, After add a DHCP reservation or new wireless client, the "DHCP client list" and "Device Info - LAN Computers" doesn't show correct result.
5. Fixed TSD 0009655: Router Mode - UPnP Settings Test, Can not login to DUT's WEB page when double click on DUT icon on Vista/Win7
6. Fixed TSD 0009660: Router Mode - SETUP - Storage - Shareport - Shareport App, When using Shareport App to play music on USB Storage, if the file name is Chinese character, the App can't play it
7. Fixed TSD 0009748: Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode - Status - Wireless LAN MAC Address, In Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, the showed Wireless LAN MAC Address information is as same as Wi-Fi HotSpot MAC Address.
8. Fixed TSD 0009910: All Modes - System - Remove Language PackWeb UI would freeze when pressing ""Remove Language Pack"" button.
9. Fixed TSD 0009911: Repeater Mode - WPS – PBC, In Repeater mode, fail to use WPS PBC (Web UI or Physical button) to connect to Wireless Router or make Wirelee Client to connect to DUT. Wireless Client can use DUT's device PIN to connect to DUT.
10. Fixed TSD 0009912: Repeater Mode - Default LAN IP ( In Repeater Mode, DUT will release the default LAN IP ( when getting new IP from DHCP Server. It means the user can't use the default LAN IP ( to access DUT's Web UI when DUT does get new IP from DHCP Server.
11. Fixed TSD 0009914: Repeater Mode - LAN Setup, In Repeater mode, DUT will not send ""DHCP Discover"" to solicit IP when configuring its LAN from Static IP to Dynamic IP (DHCP).
12. Fixed TSD 0009916: HotSpot & Repeater Mode - Setup Wizard – Manual (HotSpot or Repeater mode) In Setup Wizard with manual, DUT fails to connect to SSID that includes character & and character & must be the end of SSID.
13. Fixed TSD 0009917: Repeater Mode - Setup Wizard – Manual, In Setup Wizard with manual, DUT fails to connect to SSID that includes a lots of special characters.
14. Fixed TSD 0009919: HotSpot Mode - Setup Wizard - Manual - WEP Security, In Setup Wizard with manual, DUT will not store the Wi-Fi HotSpot Network Settings when Wireless Router's security is WEP.
15. Fixed TSD 0009920: Repeater Mode - Firmware Upgrade - Warning Message, In Repeater mode, the warning message for Firmware Upgrade is incorrect.
16. Fixed L2TP function can't work (router not response server)
17. Fixed Repeater connected router finish,but wireless client site survey can not find DUT
18. Fixed WPS2.0 PIN request to accept 4 digi PIN ex: XXX-XXXX , XXXX XXXX
19. Fixed Web access GUI issue in IE9
20. Fixed Wireless clinet intel 6300/6205 can't connecet Hotspot (create SSID)
21. Fixed WD-500GB can not be found device
22. Fixed Wireless client connected DUT(guest zone) not display status/wireless page.
23. Fixed Wireless clinet site survey DUT security mode is none when guest zone setting WPA Enterprise
24. Fixed When using SSID same as Wi-Fi Hotspot network name ,channel not fixed
25. Fixed Repeater mode can not login GUI when router/Hotspot mode have setting login password
26. Fixed LAN type default is DHCP ,status page should show 169.X.X.X
27. Fixed When manual connect router ,status >device info display is mistake (DHCP)
28. Fixed Using wizard the WPS unable connect router in Repeater mode
29. Fixed DUT connect router ,router wireless page display MAC address(DUT mac number front+2) and IP arddress(LAN PC IP) is  mistake
30. Fixed Using wireless setup >Wi-Fi (Process WPS) can not connect
31. Fixed Networkmap issue
32. Change device mode item from wireless page to wan settings page in RT mode, and to lan settings page in AP mode.
33. Update when doing Site Survey, GUI won't pop up the new page.
34. Fixed when more than three PC connect to DUT, some connected PC will drop the connection.


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 05
Hardware: A1
Date: Feb, 2, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b05
Firmware Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0051, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0169, Date: Thu, 2, Feb, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0003, Date: Mon, 30, Jan, 2012
checksum: 0x076ABE4C

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed TSD 0009320: Router Mode - SETUP - Storage - Device Info. After unplug the USB Storage, the Device Info shows incorrect result.
2. Fixed TSD 0009394: Router & AP mode - Wireless MAC Address Filter Test. Wireless Device could always connect to DIR-505 no matter MAC filter is allow or deny.
3. Fixed TSD 0009395: AP mode - IGMP Snooping Test. IGMP Snooping function is always on even disable the function.
4. Fixed TSD 0009396: Router & AP mode - HT20/40 Coexistence Test. HT20/40 Coexistence function is always on even disable the function.
5. Fixed TSD 0009486: AP mode - WPS-PBC5 Test. WPS PBC5 connection can not be established when connect with a router or ap.
6. Fixed TSD 0009492: AP & WiFi Hot Spot mode - Save and Restore Setting test. SSID and security setting will not change when restore back the config file.
7. Fixed TSD 0009511: AP mode - Wireless Connected List Check. Connected Time will keep increasing when click on F5.
8. Fixed TSD 0009641: Router & Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode - DHCP Server. In Router & Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, both Web UI accept the following DHCP Range settings. The follwing settings would make client PC can't get IP from DUT.
a. The Start DCHP Address can be big than The End DHCP Address.
b. The End DHCP Address can be as same as The Start DHCP Address.
9. Fixed TSD 0009649: Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode - Storage - User Creation. In Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, DUT doesn't store the new user data. The User List doesn't show the new user information after "Save Settings".
10. Fixed TSD 0009653: Router Mode - IGMP Snooping Test. IGMP Snooping Function does not work.
11. Fixed TSD 0009656: Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode – Storage. In Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, we can't use iPhone APP (SharePort APP) or Windows Browser to access USB Flash when DUT's SharePort Web Access is enabled (HTTP and HTTPS both are enabled).
12. Fixed TSD 0009658: Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode - Media Server. In Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, Media Server is failed.
13. Fixed TSD 0009659: Router Mode - HTTPS Server. When apply settings under https server, webpage will not switch to saving setting page.
14. Fixed TSD 0009661: Router & AP Mode - Schedules Test. DUT will not accept the schedule setting when schedule name with special characters.
15. Fixed TSD 0009662: Router & AP Mode - Schedules Test. Wireless client will not connect to DUT when change the schedule name from special character to normal character
16. Fixed TSD 0009664: Router Mode - SETUP - Wireless - Wizard – WEP. When using Wireless Network Setup Wizard to change the security setting to OPEN-WEP, after apply the setting, the wireless security mode become OPEN-NONE.
17. Fixed TSD 0009666: ALL Mode - Web UI – Copyright. The Copyright information is incorrect. (Should be "2012" not "2011")
18. Fixed TSD 0009747: Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode - Wireless LAN. In Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, DUT's Wireless LAN sometimes doesn't broadcom Beacon.
19. Fixed TSD 0009748: Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode - Status - Wireless LAN MAC Address. In Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, the showed Wireless LAN MAC Address information is as same as Wi-Fi HotSpot MAC Address.
20. Fixed TSD 0009750: Router Mode - SETUP - Storage - Shareport - HTTP and HTTPS port. After input invalid port number "80" and click "Save Settings", no warning message pop-up. (The Setting will no be applied)
21. Fixed TSD 0009751: Router Mode - SETUP - Storage - Shareport - HTTP and HTTPS port. The HTTP and HTTPs port can set to the same port number, after apply setting, only HTTP works.
22. Fixed the schedule for Guest Zone did not work
23. Fixed Media server name did not work
24. Fixed after setting wireless security to WEP/ 128bit in Repeater mode, users were unable to find DUT.
25. Fixed when doing WPS failed in Repeater mode and pushing "try again" button, GUI would redirect to the wrong page in Repeater and Hotspot mode.
26. Fixed after DUT connected to an AP in Repeater mode, users were unable to find DUT.
27. Fixed when doing WPS in Repeater's wizard, the led did not flush
28. Fixed the address of bookmark was incorrect in Repeater and Hotspot mode
29. Fixed after using the wireless wizard to set the wireless security to WEP, DUT's wireless security became NONE.
30. Fixed WPS PIN did not accept XXXX-XXXX or XXXX XXXX
31. Fixed there was a word "PPPoE" on Hotspot's internet page
32. Fixed incorrect mode images on Advanced section in Hotspot mode
33. Fixed unable to display SSID which contained specific characters on Device Info page in Hotspot mode
34. Fixed SharePort Web Access and Media Server did not work in RT and Hotspot mode.
35. Fixed after choosing AP mode in Router's wizard, DUT still remained in RT mode when completed the wizard settings.


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 04
Hardware: A1
Date: Jan, 19, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b04
Firmware Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0050, Date: Thu, 19, Jan, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0162, Date: Thu, 19, Jan, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0001, Date: Mon, 5, Dec, 2011
checksum: 0x076BF4A9

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed on AP mode, 32nd character does not display on password field .
2. Fixed on AP mode, there is no warning message pop up for security is open/none.
3. Fixed on AP mode, checklist URL becomes cgi code address.
4. Fixed on AP mode, DUT will not restore back to unconfigred mode when click on Reset to Unconfigured button on WPS.
5. Fixed bug: Router Mode Media Server - Media Server Name.
6. Fixed Media Server - MP3 file fail.
7. Fixed Media Server Name fail if it contains special char "&".
8. Fixed Media Server Name fail if it contains special char "<".
9. Change WiFi HotSpot Network Name to Wi-Fi HotSpot Network Name in Status page.
10. Fixed DUT's host name can't show in Host AP's DHCP List.
11. Fixed when using Windows Media Player to browse the Media server content, if the folder contains lots of photos, it will cause the Web UI no response.
12. Fixed DUT will always use its default MAC Address as its Internet MAC.
13. Fixed in Wi-Fi Hot Spot mode, DUT's Wireless LAN Channel doesn't sync with its Wi-Fi HotSpot channel.
14. Fixed when Host AP is configured at WEP Shared, DUT can't use WEP Both to connect to Host AP.
15. Fixed configure Host Name to empty, DUT would show " Host Name can't be all number".
16. Fixed WPS webpage will not switch to 120 seconds counting down webpage when adding wireless device via PIN or PBC.
17. Fixed HTTP and HTTPS port field accept invalid port number.
18. Fixed if the password contains special characters (e.g. "<<" -> "<" "&").The Web UI shows HTTP 404 error and the user will be deleted.
19. Fixed DUT still connects to Host AP after disabling its WiFi Hot Spot.
20. Fixed in Wi-Fi Hot Spot mode, WPS function is failed.
21. Fixed in Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, the Web UI can't show 120 seconds countdown when DUT enables WPS to connect to wireless clients .
22. Fixed in Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode, the Status will be empty when DUT connects to SSID that includes special characters.
23. Fixed firmware query function fail.
24. Fixed LAN IP Address for DUT is incorrect on HELP menu.
25. Fixed after add a DHCP reservation or new wireless client, the "DHCP client list" and "Device Info - LAN Computers" doesn't show correct result.
26. Fixed when setting the 802.11 Mode to "Mixed 802.11n, 802.11g", it shows "802.11b/g only" in Status -> Device Info -> Wireless LAN
27. Fixed when 802.11 mode is "802.11n only" it don't support "TKIP" , Cipher type "TKIP or AES" will be remove.
28. Fixed disable WPS PIN method would not be checked when using external registrar to configure DUT.
29. Fixed after change the default security to OPEN-WEP, the setting will not be applied until reboot the DUT.
30. Fixed in Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode with Wizard, the maximum password length for Extended Wi-Fi Network Password is only 32 charachters.
31. Fixed in Wi-Fi Hot Spot Mode with Wizard,the maximum password length for Wi-Fi Password is no limitaion. It should not accept over 63 characters.


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 03
Hardware: A1
Date: Jan, 12, 2012

Firmware Version: ver1.00b03
Firmware Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0046, Date: Wed, 11, Jan, 2012
Application: 2.0, Build: 0154, Date: Thu, 12, Jan, 2012
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0001, Date: Mon, 5, Dec, 2011
checksum: 0x076ACBFE

Problems Resolved:
1. Supported D-Link AP and Router Device Management v1 04R
2. Supported D-Link WiFi Hotspot GUI
3. Supported Disable WPS PIN function
4. Supported WPS 2.0
5. Supported custom SSID and wireless security
6. Added DLNA and Storage function in WiFi Hotspot mode
7. Changed the behavior of Restore Factory Default button on GUI. Right now when users push the Restore Factory Default button on GUI, DUT will restore to default for all modes(AP, RT, Repeater and Hotspot)
8. Fixed https did not work for SharePort Web Access
9. Fixed schedule for wireless did not work in Router mode
10. Fixed https did not work
11. Fixed unable to save the first time settings when changing DUT from Router mode to AP mode
12. Fixed displayed incorrect IP address on the Status page when the Ethernet port was unconnected in AP mode
13. Fixed the manual mode did not work in Repeater's Wizard
14. Fixed the site survey did not work on the Wireless page in Repeater mode and WiFi hotspot mode
15. Fixed the site survey did not work when SSID contained specific characters
16. Fixed the wizard did not work in WiFI hotspot mode
17. Fixed missing DHCP function in WiFi hotspot mode
18. Fixed unable to access the internet in WiFi hotspot mode
19. Fixed displayed incorrect lan information on the Status page in WiFi hotspot mode
20. Fixed the Ethernet port did not work in WiFi hotspot and Repeater mode when hotspot or repeater did not connect to any devices.
21. Fixed WPA Enterprise did not work
22. Removed AirPrint function


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 02
Hardware: A1
Date: Dec, 22, 2011

Firmware Version: ver1.00b02
Firmware Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0045, Date: Mon, 5, Dec, 2011
Application: 2.0, Build: 0133, Date: Thu, 22, Dec, 2011
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0001, Date: Mon, 5, Dec, 2011
checksum: 0x07742EFE

Problems Resolved:
1. supported D-Link Router Web Service API v1.01
2. fixed the maximum length of Pre-Shared Key did not be limited in 63 characters in AP and Router mode
3. fixed the https of SharePort Web Access did not work
4. fixed the login user name of SharePort Web Access did not support uppercase
5. fixed the default Cipher type was not "TKIP and AES"
6. fixed there was a "USB3g" word on the internet description even though DUT did not support USB3g
7. fixed users could enter the same mac address on Advanced / Mac Address Filter page in AP mode
8. fixed the description of device name on Setup / Lan Setup page in AP mode did not match the default device name


Firmware: v1.00 Build: 01
Hardware: A1
Date: Dec, 6, 2011

Firmware Version: ver1.00b01
Firmware Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011
KERNEL: 2.6.31, Build: 0045, Date: Mon, 5, Dec, 2011
Application: 2.0, Build: 0114, Date: Tue, 6, Dec, 2011
WLAN Version: ap121-, Build: 0001, Date: Mon, 5, Dec, 2011
checksum: 0x07746D01

Problems Resolved:
1. First release
2. Supported D-Link Router Web-based Setup Wizard Specification v1.05
3. Supported D-Link Consumer AP Web UI Specification V1.06
4. Supported D-Link Consumer AP Setup Wizard Specification v1.05
5. Supported D-Link Router Web File Access Specification v1.02
6. Supported D-Link Router Firmware Version Query and Download Spec v1.09
7. Supported D-Link AP and Router HiddenPage Guidelines v1.06
8. Supported DLNA, Airprint, SharePort mobile, QRS mobile in Router mode.

1. The default SSID in AP, Router, Repeater mode is dlink.
2. The default SSID in HotSpot mode is dlink_hotspot.
3. The default IP Address is


Pubblicato nel 1° messaggio di questa discussione il collegamento alla versione firmware 1.05 build 04 con data 20121009.

DIR-505 Firmware Release Note

Firmware: v1.05
Hardware: A1
Date: 09, Oct, 2012

Problems Resolved:
1. Remove 404 feature

1. Enhance iOS 6 compatibility

---------------------- END ----------------------


EUREKA!!!!!! Ce l'ho fatta!! mi pare che funzioni a meraviglia. Infatti ora è scomparso il dlink dalle connessioni wifi ed ho la mia solita alice che è passata in cucina da un segnale debolissimo ad eccellente!!!
Giusto perchè possa servire a qualcun altro del tutto imbranato come me racconto la mia esperienza guidata da Pondera!
Ho DOVUTO NECESSARIAMENTE connettere il Dlink con il cavo Lan (procedura del tutto assente dalle istruzioni nella confezione acquistata). Ho assegnato alla scheda di rete ed alla connessione Lan un indirizzo Ip statico del tipo 192.168.0.x. In questo modo ho potuto accedere alla pagina del router attraverso l'indirizzo qui sono stata in grado di accedere al facile strumento di configurazione guidata della connessione wifi. Ho indicato tra quelle proposte dal tool la mia connessione wifi di Alice in uso e come password ho inserito la chiave WPA che viene fornita da Alice stessa. Il mio passaggio mancante era stato semplicemente il mancato salvataggio dei dati indicati.Avviso, chi come me avesse avuto dei problemi per scarsa esperienza, che la prima pagina che si apre è sempre quella del tool semplificato di configurazione wifi del DIR 505 ma semplicemente cliccando su cancel, in automatico si accede alle pagine di configurazione (setup) manuale sia del wifi che della Lan.
Adesso ho paura di spegnere il pc perchè temo di aver cantato vittoria troppo in fretta....però il mio parziale successo ci tenevo a condividerlo.
Grazie per l'aiuto, non ho desistito solo grazie a Pondera che mi ha sempre risposto con pazienza.!!!!!


Citazione di: Aled1410 il 12 Novembre 2012, 16:20:02Il mio passaggio mancante era stato semplicemente il mancato salvataggio dei dati indicati.

Ottimo! :D


Pondera...giusto un'ultima cosa, poi spero di non rompere più.......con il collegamento Wifi e cavo lan scollegato, non riesco più ad accedere alla pagina del DIR 505....può essere perchè in realtà al DIR 505 non ho assegnato un Ip del tipo 192.168.1.x?
Io ho cambiato solo quelli della connessione Lan nel suo stesso dominio  di 192.168.0.X per potervi accedere quando lo ho connesso via LAN.
Se ho capito la logica degli indirizzi IP dei vari dispositivi,  invece dovrei fare come tu hai suggerito e quindi riconnettere il cavo Lan, andare alla pagina SET up e da lì modificare da dinamico a statico proprio l'indirizzo del repeater e dagli il famoso 192.168.1.X che è nel dominio di quello del modem di alice, affinchè sia visibile dalla scheda Wifi.
Però intanto  FUNZIONA lo stesso!!!!!!potrei anche non avere mai bisogno di andare in quella pagina :-)))))


Bene! Sei entrata nella logica di fuzionamento delle reti e ti sei data la risposta da sola! :P


approffitto dello stato di grazia perchè mi sembra di iniziare a capire un po' di cosucce e credo che il DIR 505 mi possa benissimo servire anche per un altro scopo oltre che come sei io collego il Dir 505 ad un modem via cavo  Lan;un  modem vecchiotto che non ha il wifi, lui può inviarmi  il segnale  in modalità wifi semplicemente settandolo su router e così potrei collegare wifi tutto quello che voglio??
Mi accorgo che l'ignoranza non ha confini!!


Certo! E devi usarlo in modalità Router/AP!
Che modello è questo modem?


Aggiunto video dimostrativo sulla configurazione del dispositivo.


Ciao a tutti,
ieri ho acquistato il Dlink DIR-505 ma ho speso tutto il pomeriggio per configurarlo ma niente....
Premetto che dovrei collegare il modem Mediaset a Internet tramite Ethernet!
Allora avendo un modem/router Wifi in un'altra camera ho comprato il Dlink DIR-505 sperando che andasse bene e che fosse più facile rispetto a passare il cavo Lan da una stanza all'altra!

Venendo a noi...prima di tutto come dovrei settare il DIR-505? Router, Repeater o Hotspot??
Inoltre il DIR-505 supporta la possibilità di prendersi la rete esistente Wifi di casa e replicarla sul connettore Ethernet in modo tale da poter connettere il Decoder tramite cavo????

Sperando in un vostro aiuto vi ringrazio e dato il giorno...AUGURI DI BUON NATALE! :-D


Citazione di: ritis il 24 Dicembre 2012, 18:01:21dovrei collegare il modem Mediaset a Internet tramite Ethernet

Forse per modem intendi meglio decoder da collegare alla linea internet a banda larga come spiegato sul loro sito:

Citazione di: ritis il 24 Dicembre 2012, 18:01:21avendo un modem/router Wifi in un'altra camera ho comprato il Dlink DIR-505 sperando che andasse bene e che fosse più facile rispetto a passare il cavo Lan da una stanza all'altra!

Venendo a noi...prima di tutto come dovrei settare il DIR-505? Router, Repeater o Hotspot??
Inoltre il DIR-505 supporta la possibilità di prendersi la rete esistente Wifi di casa e replicarla sul connettore Ethernet in modo tale da poter connettere il Decoder tramite cavo????

A te serve la modalità ripetitore (Repeater).
Nel 1° messaggio di questa discussione trovi lo schema di funzionamento della tua modalità, i manuali e un video che ne spiegano la configurazione.

Citazione di: ritis il 24 Dicembre 2012, 18:01:21dato il giorno...AUGURI DI BUON NATALE! :D


Ciao a tutti, non riesco a vedere i dati nella chiavetta USB collegata al dir 505, mi date una dritta, non li vedo ne da Mac ne da ipad.

Grazie a tutti in anticipo

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