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Dlinkddns: addio dal 2 luglio 2020

Aperto da FERRARI81, 03 Aprile 2020, 14:11:14

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The D-Link Dynamic DNS ( service is scheduled to be terminated on July 2nd, 2020. You may continue to use this service until termination. Customers wishing to avoid an interruption to service are advised to ensure they have made proper arrangements prior to July 2nd, 2020.

To ease this transition, Oracle Dyn is offering customers a 50% discount for one year of service directly through the Oracle Dyn DDNS portal. You may take advantage of this offer and subscribe directly through Oracle Dyn DDNS below.

Kind regards,



Scusate ma la mia capacita nei forum è penosa.
qualcuno ha provato a configurare il dva-5592 con duck dns?
io sto provando dando i comandi da terminale,riesco a inserire l'idirizzo ecc ma rimane sempre in registrazione

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